Collection of Loneliness

My favorite form of personal expression is poetry. It allows symbolism to come alive to beautifully capture the human essence. Here is one collection. I hope you gain an understanding of your neighbor's pain or are able to have the words to express your own hurt.


I stay here

Despite the tapping

Despite the unnotice

Despite what you think

I am here

Born of fire

Cleansed of blemish

I was clean

Before the smudges

I am in the way

I am not clean

I am not strong enough

You can see every imperfection

I stand before people

I stand before stores

I stand before houses

Why hurt me to punish them

I have been tapped

I have been hit

I have been scratched

I have been smudged

I have been in the way

I have been overlooked

I have been invisible

I am glass

I am shattered


They sit there in fear

From all they hear

"Optimism Kills"

They say look up

Never to look down

They say it's a full cup

But in a full cup some may drown