The American flag has been attributed to many different things based on background, place of residence, political ideology, time in history, etc. Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany during World War II, saw the American flag as a premonition of inevitable defeat in his struggle for global dominance. Early immigrants placed the Stars and Stripes with the idea of freedom from oppression and a chance at success. Colin Kaepernick is reminded of the slavery, segregation, mistreatment, limited freedoms, and incessant racism against African Americans that has continued in our beloved country. The United States Armed Forces feel the pain of great sacrifice but also the breath of hope that flies with that flag. The Stars and Stripes evokes memories of the men and women who have fought for this country. The mom returning from deployment to attend her son’s last high school football game and the tears shed as they are reunited. The pride in a veteran’s eyes as the child approaches him, shakes his hand, and thanks him for his service. The mom of three who answers the door to find her life is forever altered because her son has made the ultimate sacrifice. My grandfather, a TSgt that served in the RED HORSE division of the United States Air Force, is at the forefront of my mind. He was a loyal patriot who still loved and respected this country and its flag despite the grief given to the heroic servicemen of the Vietnam War. The freedom I exercise daily to speak my mind without fear of punishment is woven into the fabric of every single American flag flown worldwide. Our first responders who risk their lives to save others’ shine bright and distinguished through the brilliant red, white, and blue. Last and most importantly, I am reminded of the togetherness of a great group of citizens so diverse in their ways that a common goal seems implausible yet is achieved every day when we step outside our front doors fearless and proud to be Americans. For these reasons and many other I choose to pledge allegiance to, stand for, show reverence to, and honor the American Flag.