Recently a family member had me read an article about the reasons not to utter the question “How are you?” The article was directed towards businessmen or anyone dealing with people on a regular basis. The central argument of the piece was that the question is building faulty rapport with people on your first encounter, so the solution would be to remove the question from our greeting arsenal. The idea of asking a question without a care in the world about the response or worst yet already know the response going to be given is an indecency. This act puts a façade between you and other people, a façade that must later be broken for true connection to occur. The challenge I am proposing you with is much harder than eliminating the question; I would like you to eliminate the reason the author gives for wanting to erase the phrase, make his argument stumble and fall. I want you to care. Change the way you view people, customers of your business, coworkers, family, employees, supervisors, and your peers. Begin to care about your fellow human beings. We all inhabit the same Earth and we all face the same problems. Yes, your problems may take a different form than your neighbor’s, but deep down we all face problems finding love and acceptance. We all want to be cared about and understood by the people we face. If you dare to step out and break the status quo, the world will take notice. The attitude you have will show everyone around you that you genuinely care about the people with which you come into contact. As you go out through the day, week, and year remember to ask a question with a legitimate care about the answer given in response. Ask “How are you, today?” and listen for the response. Just a thought. "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson  >Ž[