Numb to Lies

How can we sit idly by as our country entrenches itself further in its errors? Why do we insist on the notion that we cannot make a difference? I find it horrendous that the very construct we place power over our country has become the laughing stock in American culture. Jokes on Saturday Night Live or political cartoons, no matter the avenue the lies fed to us by our leaders cause ridicule to ensue. The American people have grown numb to the lies and accepted them as a fact of life. One of my favorite books of all time How Do You Kill Eleven Million People? by Andy Andrews hit the nail on the head when it says, "Any country can survive having chosen a fool as their leader. But history has shown time and again that a nation of fools is surely doomed." Andrews presents a strong observation that when our citizens become foolish and blind then our nation falls, one leader can not ruin a nation. I am not calling any leader or voter but there is a comment to be made on the lack of importance of integrity when picking our nation's representatives. We must again place value in integrity, honesty, and morality or our children will suffer an unkindly fate. We all have a profile that we would like our elected to fit into. People want the candidate who aligns closest to them because human instinct says we can do it best. This profile matching can only be accurately done with research and fact-checking. Let's as a nation view every candidate, their beliefs, and history and make a wise decision for our future. I implore you to view candidates from both sides of the aisle and make the decision based off integrity, honesty, and morality. Let's not be a nation of fools but rather a nation of competence and prominence.