Stop, Please Stop!

Justice for Floyd. As George Floyd was pinned to the ground with his neck being crushed, he begged for his life and was answered with silence. I want you to take a moment and consider your brother or father leaving for the grocery store and instead of returning home as planned; he was sentenced to death by the very people sworn to protect him. It is despicable. It is horrific. I want to offer my condolences to Mr. Floyd's family because the only thing worse than losing someone dear is having to relive it because of the necessity to publicize the injustice. Be proud of George because of him things will change. America is done. Politicians will try to secure some votes by blaming this on the other side's policies and rhetoric, but that will solve nothing. I implore you to understand the ramifications of the Minneapolis incident. An entire community is afraid and an entire nation is afraid. I am white but the thought that one accident or wrong move could end up in the police taking my life while I beg for air is truly scary. I can not imagine what young black boys and black men are feeling. No matter how much you pay attention to race, the matter of the fact is that the people of the same gender and race as you that you see in society are the ones you relate to more. The black community thought that the nightly news showing their brother and sisters being stripped from this earth would end after the Civil Rights Movement, or Rodney King, or Barack Obama, but in 2020 we are still watching videos of black men and women losing their lives for seemingly no reason. I applaud the mayor and governor for acting swiftly and for making sure that George Floyd's family sees justice served, but the process is not over yet we must see the rightful punishment carried through with. Nevertheless, we need to decide as a nation that we have had enough. We are all family and we are all tired of losing our neighbor, so I ask politicians to STOP, PLEASE STOP! Stop fearmongering by telling an entire race that they have a target on their back or implying that white people are the enemy of the black community. The white community is an ally; racists are the enemies. Racism is the most deplorable hate still facing our nation. I beg politicians to stop denying its presence. I am not saying everything is driven by racism but it is alive, no doubt. We as a nation need to stop bickering on whether the other actually saw ants in the kitchen and just call the exterminator. If someone feels attacked then we should rush to their side and fight along side of them. This is America, the great melting pot. Let's MELT! Stop fighting and resisting and become one family that has each other's back. Take to the streets and scream it from the rooftop so that George Floyd will not have died in vain. We are one body, and we will accept no form of hate in our midst. This is not just a thought, I apologize. This is a call to action, human decency, morality, love, and justice. Stand together, right now, today, and put an end to hate in our United States of America. Justice for Floyd!